There are some very new thing happening in the village.
JC Carroll has organised with Yves Marie and Léna a presentation of his new book. Together with some music it will be a Saturday night to remember on Jan 18th in the bar at 20.00 
Deborah has restarted her artistic side and will be exhibiting her gravures at VerTuOses in Callac on 23rd Jan. Caroline tells me that it is really good!!!
On Tuesday 21st Jan ther will be a few people learning to play belote with the Club du Roc'Hellou. if you would like to learn come along!
On 25/26th Jan ther will be a collection of unwanted metal in the 3 villages 5Plourac', Plusquellec, Carnoët) in aid of the schools. At Plourac'h it is organised by Mathieu Lozac'h and will be at Kerho.
Unti 31st Jan the Amicale Laïque have arranged for a special perfume sale ready for St Valentine's Day. Each sale of perfume gives 5€ to the school.
Friday 31st Jan ARES will be having a shared meal at Kergus (Chez Joëlle), 19.00. This is to look for and agree ideas for their program for 2025.
Léna has restarted her "Knit and natter" group at Ty Melen on Tuesday at 14.00
Fiona in on the verge of publishing her new book in the inspector Cornish series. It is due out very soon and will be available though Kindle along with all her other books. In the future Fiona has promised to write a merder mystery based in Plourac'h. Looking forward to see who has been killed!! It might be you!!
The "Comité des fêtes" are organising a concours de belote in the Salle on Mon 3rd Feb.
There will be 2 larges scale bird counts for the area
Big Farmland Bird Count: scheduled from february 7 to 23, 2025
Great Backyard Bird Count: taking place from february 14 to 17,2025
There will allow everyone to see the changes in bird population around the village.
Finally boules on Wed and Fri will now be linked to the Club du Roc'Hellou for insurance purposes. All boulistes are invited to join the Club and participate in their activities...