Directed by Frederic Brunnquel, produced by "Chasseurs d'étoiles" (2022).
From time immemorial, the Bretons have fought many battles to safeguard their culture, rich in language, music and dance. Yet for a long time Brittany was a forgotten land, neglected by the Republic, which banned its language. From the 1960s onwards, the agricultural revolution turned peasant life upside down. Its culture, which had long been supported by Catholic priests, became emancipated in the seventies, carried by a new spirit that accompanied the Breton angers. Young people were reclaiming their language and culture. From the long years of relegation to their great anger, the Bretons have written a fascinating saga since the end of the 19th century.
The film includes almost 20 minutes of archive footage from the Cinémathèque de Bretagne, taken from 37 films between 1923 and 1984.