January, 2024

plourach By On Mon 15 jan 2024 at 19:14

In News by MEL

Hello everyone,

Hope that you are all enjoying the cold spell and looking forward to getting out and about very soon.
Clubs and associations are emerging from their Chrismas breaks so here is a quick summary of what's on.

Monday AEKB at 14.00

Tuesday (1st and 3rd tuesday of the month) startingat 14.00
Roc'Hellou. On the 16th there will be the AGM followed by a little celebration!!!
Activities include Belote, Knitting, Sewing, Triminoes, Scrabble and also Photography led by Armand.
Knit and natter with Léna in the Bar at 16.00

Wed Boules at 15.00.
Choir with Aniko in Callac at 18.00.

Thursday Choir in the salle Th. Le Men with Aniko at 18.00

Friday Boules at 15.00.

The Comite des fetes have a meeting at the end of the month.
ARES and BEOVEG are busy organising their calendar for the year.
If anyone would like to join in and help you would be very welcome.

Anne-Lise has joined with Joy Canac to help raise funds for a newbuilding for the market at Quenequen.
You can find details on Joy's facebook page.

Look out for new activities from Lena in the Bar.

Steve Kilpatrick has now started with his recording in the new studio.
Yves-Marie has benn one of the first. Sounds exciting stuff!! What a talented village we have.!!


