The photo exhibition scheduled to run from 15/08 to 31/08 at the "Chapelle St Gildas" has been cancelled.

This exhibition is moving and will be on display from 16/08 to 1/10 2024 at the Crédit Agricole offices in Callac.

-- Ti Melen --

We're changing our opening times for this summer.!

From Monday 17 June to 31 August, we'll be open Monday to Sunday non-stop from 8am to 10pm.

We will also extend evenings on request for group of 8 or more.

Pardon de Plourac'h

Pardon 2024
Photo: A.Madec
Arrival of the procession at the fountain.


Pardon 2024
Photo: A.Madec
Blessing of the fountain.

Excellent convivial meal.

Thanks to the cooks.

- The municipality of Plourac'h with the dean of the commune. Article on "Maville"

- The Municipal Newsletter N° 71 of June 2024 is on line: Download Here.

- Please Note: the date of the riding lessons has been postponed to 27 and 28 july 2024.

- 9 June, concert at "Cathédrale de l'Argoat" (Plourac'h).

- A short summary of upcomming events in our commune.

- This Saturday, initiation to genealogy and plant swap, Callac multipurpose rom.

- Intercommunal health insurance: JUST

- ARES General Assembly 15 March 2024 20h, multipurpose room of Plourac'h.

- Minute of the last Municipal Council (February 2024) is on ligne Here.

- Municipal Newsletter N° 70 of December 2023 is onligne.

- From 1st April 2024, the green card will disappear for all registered vehicles.

- Minutes of the last Municipal Council December 2023 on ligne. Town Hall--->The Municipality---> City Council Minutes

- On January1, 2024 sorting of bio-waste at source becomes mandatory.

- Following Ciaran and Domingos storms, report any damage to equipement (Poles, Cables etc...)   Here

- The dates of the Chrismas 2023 school Holidays.

- Lastest news from the town: blog -> News by Mel -> November2023.

- Due to a lack of volonteers, "l'Amicale Laïque" de Plourac'h is mothballed: Ouest France.

- Telephone canvassing new provisions have come info force this year. --> Town Hall --> Infos Pratiques --> Tel canvassing.

- The municipal bulletin N°69 of June 2023 is online, and in your mailbox. Download Here.


"In 2024, Guingamp-Paimpol Agglomeration is pursuing its actions in favor of composting and continues to offer individual composters for sale at waste collection centers at a reduce rate."


Compostage 1 Compostage 2 Compostage 3 Compostage 4 Compostage 5

Composting guide available for download HERE



Still available...

Ouvrage eglise st jean baptiste    Couv livre plourac h r

... at the Town Hall and at Ti Melen.


Telephone canvassing.
(Call centers)

Centre appels




Expected for too many years, OPTICAL FIBER is finally available in Plourac'h. You can now contact your Internet Service Provider.
Map of all fiber-eligible locations.
End of programmed ADSL network. Read Here

During network incidents, please contact   THD Bretagne


Ares 2024


"Chapelles Envies".

2 1

Wind project

in Plourac'h.



1/1000 scale models of lighthouses


05 phare ouest


Caroline PAQUETTE.


(In French)


Mairie de Plourac'h - 1 rue de la Mairie 22160 Plourac'h  - Tél. 02 96 45 02 94  -  Fax : 02 96 45 02 95

Last edited: Fri 26 jul 2024